
another mosquito. dai lei sei :P

just managed to "pull" my face out from no other book but
facebook :D
*feeling proud because i can resist the temptation of the book* LOL x)

anyways im here for a short update of my life recently ;)
but first, lets have a laugh ٩(-̮̮̃•̃)۶
从前有一个人叫阿爽,他死了。出殡那天, 他的家人哭喊: "爽阿… 爽阿…" 路人不解,问道:"你们爽什么啊?" 家人痛哭流涕:"爽死了… 爽死了!" hahahahah xD
copy and paste from twitter.com

it's week 12 at utar.
everything's about to come to an end,
although we still have design assignment 2 to complete x/
and *dengdengdeng!* the FINALS are coming.
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh x//
really need to start study le.
*remember my 3.9 CGPA thing.* *nodds*

so now i
dunno what more to write.
and i'm gradually getting sleepier and sleepier.



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