i cried.

After a few months. Nothing, actually there's nothing bothering me inside that forced out those special tears. I'm just touched by Joo won and Ra im's love (Secret Garden). This is the second korean drama that blurred my eyes with tears. I couldn't recall the first one.

Just finished ep18. Joo won brought Ra im to a place where it rains for them to switch bodies. Because he doesn't want to see Ra im lying unconsciously in bed. Because he doesn't want Ra im to suffer any pain. Because he loves her. He abandoned everything he had in his life. Status, family, money, and his own life to exchange Ra im's life. He took Ra im's place and... died. *cries*

Why? I was thinking. Why would a person do such a crazy thing? He explained in the letter for her: "Now we can  be together. Everyday. And we will live happily ever after just like other couples. 永远幸福。 Because you are in my body... "That man" was played. Tears streamed out again.

A miracle happened that night. They met in a garden in the snow. Ra im's father showed up and break the magic spell cast on them before. It all started with the flower wine, and it shall end with it also. They drank the wine and flower petals began to fall as pretty as snow.

They switched back again. But the story continues with a nasty twist. Joo won lost his memory. He went back to that time while he was just 21. Back to 13 years ago, he forgotten Ra im completely. However, Gil Ra im, this name, struck him at the time he woke up from bed.

Ra im won't let Joo won go this time. They started again. Back to the beginning when they met each other. Ra im approached Joo won's mother, who strongly forbids them to be together. "请你把儿子交给我吧,我会让他幸福的。" And she walked away coolly. 

Joo won might lost part of his memory, but there's a part inside him that belongs to Ra im. They were meant to be. Episode 18 ends with Joo won beholding Ra im's face with a distance of approximately 3cm. "That man" was played again. I smiled. :)

love is amazing.

*credits to http://blog.daum.net/hanryu4u/11926212 and another blog :)


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