
"you know you've gone too far when you start searching your name on google."
-readers digest.

no, thats not true!
in fact, i google my name once in a while xD
you dont need to know for what reason :P

well, the "uhh" title has nothing to do with my confession above.
it's about our group's speaking test today,
that totally sucks.
i know im not suppose to use that *tootoootoo* word but thats
the only word i found suitable to describe the situation.
i feel so terrible now. UHH.

forget about it. forget about it.
my to-do list is still piling up. no point to waste my time feeling sad.
please, be more matured. im going to be 18 in 12345678910 days.
*it's a good thing* *persuading myself* x/

tomorrow will be better, i guess.
life ah life, stop torturing meeeee *whining*

preparing myself for even more assignments,
even more challenges x/

hwaiting! :D


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