2013 C:

ta-da! 2013 is finally here. 
my feelings are all mixed up at the moment. 
happy, sad, you name it. 
GOSHHHHHHH and im gonna be 21 soon. aaaaaaaaaaah.

growing up isn't a bad thing after all.
you learn to step out of the past and move on bravely.
love the picture above. 
today is just page 1 of 365, and i'm gonna color up all the pages beautifully :D

of course, i've set some new year resolutions to be achieved:
1. cut weight (ikr, this is like a must every year, ha)
2. live happy everyday (yep yep :D & don't pretend to be emo :x)
3. read the Bible everyday (at leastttttt also like... uhm 5 verses xD)
4. be more hardworking, and avoid last minute work (gosh this is hard :P)
5. start searching for companies to do internship in jan 2014 (i hope...)
6. avoid being 38 (its time to be more matured)
7. avoid telling lies (unless there's a need, LOL)
8. try to keep in touch with all my lovely friends and hang out with them if possible :D
9. sort out my closet and study desk asap, heh
10. love God more, design more and sleep more!!! :D

and the list goes on... haha xD

Philippians 4:13 I am able to do all things in Him who empowers me. :)



Unknown said…
So many back door wanna? Haha
Unknown said…
Chehh 1 only mar xD
Unknown said…
3. also backdoor, 5 also backdoor, 7 also backdoor, 8 also..
Unknown said…
7 only 7 only :P

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