just one day.

yeah, so i've basically spent all my book vouchers on books.
and dad said that was the most foolish decision a person can make,
because we stay near to a library, my uni has a library, and im absolutely not gonna finish reading them all.


that's what he thinks... and i'm not gonna give in :P
i will finish all the nine books and... and...

and what?

gosh i hate this feeling. i can never win my dad!!! Uhhh T^T


never mind, never mind. *looks out of window, emo*
okay back to topic. i was actually here to post the just one day book im halfway reading.
story's about a 18 year old girl on a teen tour for a 3 weeks Europe trip before starting her college life, and on the day scheduled to get home...


please allow me to share a good news here xD
i cannot suppress this happy feelinggggggggggggg any moreeeee xDDDDD
my lecturer just released this animation assignment 2's arrows.
fyi, there're 4 arrows in total. one green, two yellows and one red.
obviously the green one is A, the yellows are B and C, and the red D.
and hahahahahhahahahahahahah
i got the green one!!!!!!!!!!! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYNESSSSSSS *Big Smileyyyyy* C:
(sorry for being so random)

lol, i think i cannot continue to blog about the book le, the mood is just not right!
why don't you all just check out on the reviews on net. Google is helpful!
Oh ya, it's a nice book, really. Hoho.

Oh goody!!! and come to think of it, i'm so worried about animation this sem.
and there's another subject called Advanced Animation next sem!
Gosh. Just hope that i can do all i can to save myself ;)
so happy!!!!!!!! hahahhaha the feeling is just like all my hard work, staying up whole night, overnighting at uni, waiting for hours for the whole thing to get rendered again and again, exploring one after another youtube tutorials on 3ds max, adobe premiere pro, after effects, and getting help from manyyyyy lovely friends, ...etc
Everything, everything is worth it. :D

Aaaaaah, this feels good! #thxlord!
attached is the booooooooks i've bought. And yes, i will keep my word and finish reading ALLLL OF THEM!
oh, and please forgive me for being so random nowadays.
i'm still in the progress of figuring out why. hehe :]


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