jungle trekking.

my eyes are droopy and
my feet are numb,
but i still need to walk.
the journey seems unfinishable...
so besides walking and walking,
i took quite a lot of pictures too.

the beautiful sceneries of gasing hill:
the canopies.

the big and hot sun.

rubber tree.
nice leh.
leaves and more leaves.
a very thin trunk.
the stairs.
a big big tree.
watch tower.

sis going up.
the long long staircase.
dunno who izit xP
daddy's bei ying.
suspension bridge.
daddy and boy.
both crossing the bridge carefully.
more resam.
a board.
another board.
and another board.
many many trees.
more trees.
i love this.
the denai.
the exit- finally.
then after our very very tiring adventure,
we went for our free-of-charge indian lunch.
everything is FREE in indian restaurants on deepavali.
saw an unexpected someone there.
i mean, who would ever thought of bumping into
him in an indian restaurant on deepavali?
oops, revealed his gender.
shan't write more xP
love the tosai or tosei (wadever)
all my joints would definitely ache tomorrow.
oh good =.=
anyways, i still love this day ^^


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