simple happiness.

a servant girl and a garang guni (used-goods collector)
even if they just sit together without talking much,
or even if they just sit together eating a two-ringgit cake,
it is simple happiness.

my friends always told me that my shoulders are very comfortable to lie on.
and i would like to say that: it's true xP

and if you've seen my personal message on msn a few days ago,
"if i throw away my pillow, would you lend me your shoulders to lie on? (:"
i just want to find a right shoulder.
because for me, it is simple happiness xD

and for now,
i do hope that the guy would look very much like my beloved chien-po that is fake.
for now only.
because my taste changes very fast.
very very very fast.
and the shortest period is within hours *giggles*

no comments please ;)


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