bread and circuses

helps a lot when one is depressed =)

problems arise to make people think of a solution to solve,
so instead of feeling sad and depressed,
i ransacked my entire house and found myself this =D

this is just the perfect car for me =)
see the wheels? it moves like a real car!!
ohohohohohohoho x)

now i just need to imagine myself sitting in the car,
do the imaginative side parking inside my brain,
draw it out,
remember the moves,
and wholla!! problem solved xD

at times i just love my brain. at times :)

but of course, i must still think of a way to do the slope test.
come on brain, make ideas.
maybe i should do as the instructor said, eat more.

ah, i just hope that the food energy will go to my arms,
not my legs x)

kin cha ne, smile more and worry less *hee*

the happy self returns ;)


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